Pneumonia Detection From Chest X-Rays


Your project will be reviewed by a Udacity reviewer against the project rubric. Be sure to review this rubric thoroughly and self-evaluate your project before submission. All criteria found in the rubric must be meeting specifications for you to pass.

Submission Files

Following files would be needed for evaluation:

  • EDA.ipynb notebook file with all questions answered and all code cells executed and displaying output.
  • Build and train model.ipynb notebook file with all questions answered and all code cells executed and displaying output.
  • A .h5 or .json file contains your final model architecture.
  • A .h5 or .json file contains your final model weights.
  • Inference.ipynb notebook file with all questions answered and all code cells executed and displaying output.
  • FDA_submission.pdf file with a report that describes the algorithm and performance.

Please upload the FDA_submission.pdf to the workspace and submit your project through the workspace.